All participants have to submitte Individual
Action Plan (IAP) for two months in the
Organizer Training (4 days training - Course 1).
Organizer Training (course 2) is for evaluation
on implementation of their IAP. Some were succeed,
some were not succeed. However they finished some
organizing activities. We discussed Strengths,
Weaknesses, Oppotunities and Treats which
are the reasons for successful and unsuccessful.
FTUM is training them to be good organizers.
Action Plan (IAP) for two months in the
Organizer Training (4 days training - Course 1).
Organizer Training (course 2) is for evaluation
on implementation of their IAP. Some were succeed,
some were not succeed. However they finished some
organizing activities. We discussed Strengths,
Weaknesses, Oppotunities and Treats which
are the reasons for successful and unsuccessful.
FTUM is training them to be good organizers.