Saturday, October 13, 2012

Anti-OIC Protests Spread


Buddhist protesters march against Muslim influence in Burma.
Demonstrations against the 57-nation Organization of Islamic Cooperation spread 
to the country’s second-largest city on Friday, as thousands of Buddhist monks 
and laypeople in Mandalay marched to protest the

Armed group, gov’t to build model village as fighting continues


The Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP) is set to partner with the Burmese 
government to build a model village for displaced persons and the families 
of soldiers in northern Shan state, despite ongoing clashes.

Agreement between Naypyitaw-SSA reached but not signed

Thursday, 11 October 2012 14:43 S.H.A.N.

266The second Union-level meeting between Naypyitaw-appointed Union Peacemaking 
Work Committee (UPWC) and the Shan State Progress Party / Shan State Army
 (SSPP/SSA) held in Lashio yesterday had resulted in the agreement to set up 
a village for families of the SSPP/SSA and IDPs (Internally displaced persons),
 according to sources.

Amazons busting dope pushers in Shan State North


Worried of their children becoming drug users, women in Muse township’s Mongpaw 
tract are up in arms against both drug addicts and peddlers, according to sources 
coming to the Sino-Burmese border.

Burma Army stops Dawei smugglers


Since the beginning of October the Burma military has started a major crack 
down on motorbike smugglers crossing over from Thailand.

ABSDF leaders to speak in Bangkok

Friday, 12 October 2012 13:15 Mizzima News
Former leaders of the All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) will speak 
about their recent return to